GOG Has Treaded Further Down the Woke Path and is Looking to Become the Wokest of the Woke by Offering “Menstrual Leave” to “Menstruating People” and Their Parent Company CD Projekt is “Looking Into” Doing the Same
GOG (previously Good Old Games), if you aren’t sure, is a digital games store much like Steam. The company prides itself on being anti-DRM when most other game distributors are pro-DRM. GOG is a subsidiary of CD Projekt best known for The Witcher game series and Cyberpunk 2077. Remember that last game as we’ll come back to that in a bit, but now let’s get to the point.
GOG has apparently announced over the last few weeks that they would be “implementing Menstrual Leave for all menstruating employees.” Not only is the menstrual leave policy going above and beyond the typical wokeness of these companies, but the fact that they won’t even say “women” takes it to an even higher level.
Here’s the company’s Linked In announcement.
The leave will be fully paid and as much time that’s needed to be taken to recover can be taken. The company expects “only 1 extra day per quarter” to be needed per person, but come on, they’re allowing as much time that is needed. Who wouldn’t take advantage of that?
Okay. Let’s break down some of this announcement and go over some of their woke points.
They say “Menstrual Leave fosters inclusiveness by accepting that there are biological differences in the workplace.” This is where they start confusing me. It’s actually almost based of them to say this. So there ARE biological differences between a man and woman? Makes sense until you realize they NEVER mention men or women throughout this post, only “menstruating people.”
Look bro, if you’re bleeding out of your penis, you should probably go to the emergency room to get that checked out. Just sayin’. I’m not a medical professional or anything. I have dabbled in first aid in the Boy Scouts as a kid and then learned a lot in the Marine Corps, so don’t take this as medical advice. Still though, I’m almost positive you shouldn’t bleed from your schlong. Especially on a monthly routine. 😀

Moving on, the post continues with “breaking taboos can only be done by speaking up and making an awkward topic a normal conversation.” Why is this topic taboo? Women have periods. Or… is that the reason you think it’s taboo? It’s the fact that “menstruating people” is a taboo topic because these people believe men can menstruate, too. Yes, that’s taboo because it’s not based in fact.
Oddly enough, the parent company of CD Projekt isn’t doing this, but they are “looking into it.” Remember how we said to keep Cyberpunk 2077 in your memory bank? Yeah. That’s because CD Projekt (technically their other subsidiary CD Projekt Red) has had MANY controversial issues surrounding this game. They’ve also allowed a pretty serious hack on their servers, so it wouldn’t be too far out of left field for them to want to become woke to try and earn some cool points again.
As if sick leave wasn’t good enough. Sick leave already encompassed EVERY type of body sickness. It’s not even like this is a discriminatory type of leave that would give women a leg up because, as mentioned numerous times, this is for all “menstruating people.”
China and Russia are both getting stronger while we become weaker. Every day I wake up and think this wokeness couldn’t get any worse, but I’m always proven wrong. I’m not telling you this to get you down. The point of this is to wake people up to what’s happening and to give further proof that ESG and social credit scores are coming.
Thanks for reading and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.