Doctor Strange 2 (Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness) Has Been Banned in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kuwait and Qatar (Maybe Others) Due to America Chavez, a Gay Character, Being in the Movie
If you don’t know who America Chavez is, the first question I have is why the hell not? I mean, the character has ONLY been around since 2011. She’s ONLY mildly less popular than Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel.
Okay. Sarcasm aside, you probably don’t know who America Chavez is because if you’re reading this, you know Disney (and Marvel by association) is a child-grooming corporation and you don’t really give a damn about them any longer. And you shouldn’t, so you’re forgiven. It’s not like America Chavez is some well-known character anyway. She was most likely only created as a token lesbian character in 2011, which is why adding her to Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness makes even less sense.
Of course, when you’re a company like Disney which is dead set on pushing an agenda, it starts to make sense again. It does beg the question, how do those behind the liberal, progressive, global order tend to “progress” this agenda when there are countries like Saudi Arabia that have made being gay illegal? That’s kind of based by the way. I mean, maybe making homosexuality gay in the United States goes against freedom and liberty, but how about simply making it illegal to be in movies NOT rated R?
This movie ban follows others like The Eternals and West Side Story (2021) for similar reasons. It looks like the progressive global agenda just can’t be thrust into just ANY country then, eh? We know China censors movie posters with black actors on them as well. In fact, there’s MORE pushback from China and the Middle East that from our own country these movies are being made in.
Kind of sad.

We can change this. Start spreading the fact to all of your friends and family about Disney’s child-grooming agenda and don’t let the old idea of “we don’t talk politics at the dinner table” continue on. That started in the boomer generation and it needs to end now.
The good news? At least Disney’s stock has been tanking and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been going on the offensive.
Let us know your thoughts below.