Mehmet OzMehmet Oz (Photo by Roy Rochlin/Getty Images)
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Dr. Mehmet Oz recently received backing from President Trump for his 2022 Pennsylvania Senate run, but he has a history of promoting transgendered children, which includes gender reassignment surgery.

Dr. Mehmet Oz is running for the GOP Senate nomination in Pennsylvania, claiming the entire time to be a conservative, but a recently found clip shows the talk show doctor promoting transgendered children including surgery.

“It’s an area of intense debate. Today you’ll meet families coping with this astonishing reality. What does it mean to be a boy? What does it mean to be a girl? Those two simple questions are infinitely complex and gut-wrenching for parents of children who are born transgender,” Dr. Oz says.

The episode had 2 “transgendered” children on to discuss their issues. The first was 8-year-old Josie who is biologically male, meaning he has XY chromosomes, but was living as a girl with the support of his parents.

“8-year-old Josie was born Joseph. Physically she’s a boy. But from the time she could talk, Josie knew she was a girl. Her sex on the outside didn’t match how she felt on the inside, and that’s how every transgender child feels. Children like Josie may start showing signs of transgender as early as two or three. This extraordinary condition is not as rare as you might think. It’s estimated that three million Americans believe they were born the wrong sex.”

The second was a 15-year-old female-to-male Isaac who had a double mastectomy.

“It’s an area of intense debate. Today you’ll meet families coping with this astonishing reality. What does it mean to be a boy? What does it mean to be a girl? Those two simple questions are infinitely complex and gut-wrenching for parents of children who are born transgender,” Dr. Oz says.

Backing up this narrative is Oz’s resident pediatrician Dr. Robert Garofalo.

“She was fighting me and crying and having fits, and demanding that she wear the pink leggings and the denim little skirts that she wanted to wear. When we’d go to the store she’d go to that, gravitate towards the girl’s section, not the little boy’s section that I wanted to put on her,” Vanessa says of Josie.

Vanessa believes allowing Josie to live as a girl cured other ailments. “She took seventeen doses of medication a day, fourteen different medications, to try and get her to fit into this mold for depression, anxiety, ADHD, she was… you know, Tourette’s went in there at the end.”

Dr. Garofalo provides a pro-transgender analysis. Dr. Oz asks Isaac what would’ve happened if there were laws in place to prevent gender surgeries until Isaac was 18. He responds it’d have likely been four more years of depression, until the teen was a legal adult who could sign off on these sorts of decisions, personally.

His stance on transgender children isn’t the only thing that has Pennsylvanians not keen on voting for Dr. Oz.

“Doctor Oz is a conservative who doesn’t believe biological men should play women’s sports, and he’s running a TV ad presently to that effect,” Brittany Yanick, a spokeswoman for the Oz campaign, told Fox News Digital in a statement Sunday. “In fact, Doctor Oz has repeatedly praised JK Rowling’s brave stance for stating the truth about this important issue.” 

“He has treated transgender people with dignity and he’s covered the high suicide rates with transgender people, and takes it very seriously,” Yanick added.

n 2015, Dr. Oz brought on the show Jazz Jennings, a transgender teen, and activist whose parents started a pro-transgender nonprofit and whom Oprah Winfrey had previously featured. During the show, Dr. Oz told Jennings’ mother, “I love the support you’ve given your daughter. It’s wonderful. And you can see the beautiful young woman she’s becoming because of it.” Jennings shared experiences of taking cross-sex hormones.

He has dual citizenship in Turkey.

While it is no law prohibiting dual nationals from serving in Congress. It could be a massive conflict of interest.

“The only qualifications for serving in Congress are age, being a U.S. citizen for at least nine years for the Senate, and living in the state you represent at the time of election,” said Molly Reynolds, a senior fellow of governance studies at the Brookings Institution.

Dr. Mehmet Oz is hardly the first political candidate with dual citizenship. The difference is most others renounced their foreign citizenship when it became widely known. An example being Ted Cruz. He’s a Republican Senator from Texas who held dual citizenship with Canada. He renounced his Canadian citizenship in 2014.

“I had the privilege, as the son of immigrant parents, to grow up American while staying deeply in touch with my Turkish roots,” Oz said. “I have a great deal of family back in Turkey, I lived there for a period as a boy, and I served in the Turkish military, which is compulsory for dual citizenship.”

As he received more and more backlash regarding this major conflict the celebrity physician announced that he would renounce his Turkish citizenship only if he would win the Senate seat this fall.

“My dual citizenship has become a distraction in this campaign,” Oz, a U.S. citizen who was born in Ohio, said in a statement from his campaign. “I maintained it to care for my ailing mother, but after several weeks of discussions with my family, I’m committing that before I am sworn in as the next U.S. Senator for Pennsylvania I will only be a U.S. citizen.”

Now let’s get into the issue that Oz resides in New Jersey. His longtime family home is in Cliffside Park, New Jersey.

Mehmet Oz

Oz stated that he lived in Philadelphia while earning his medical and business degrees at Penn, but is that actually home? Or is he assuming that Pennsylvania will be an easy win for him?

“I grew up just across the border, south of Philadelphia,” said Oz, who was born to Turkish immigrants in Cleveland, Ohio, and grew up in Delaware from the time he was 3 through high school. He attended Harvard University before graduate school.

“I went to medical school at [Penn] in Philadelphia. I went to business school at Wharton in Philadelphia. I met and married my wife, which was the best thing I ever did, 36 years ago in Philadelphia. And I bore two children — she bore them for me — in Philadelphia,” he told Hannity.

“I came home a year ago. It feels good to be back. I love the state, and I will represent it honorably,” he said.

Trump’s endorsement of Oz has received a lot of backlash including from Sean Parnell who had that very same endorsement during the last election.

“I have enormous respect for President Trump. I was honored to have his endorsement in PA,” Parnell tweeted. “But I’m disappointed by this. Oz is the antithesis of everything that made Trump the best president of my lifetime — he’s the farthest thing from America First & he’d be very bad for PA.”

It’s high time that we stop supporting RINOs who are simply using parties to achieve their goals despite their track record. Dr. Mehmet Oz is not a conservative and he is not a Pennsylvanian.

He’s yet another person to not vote for and a perfect example on why the backing of former presidents is never a good enough reason to elect someone into a political office.

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