Brian KempBrian Kemp
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HB 1178 which outlines the rights of parents if they object to the curriculum taught at public schools expected to be signed by Georgia Governor Kemp on Monday.

Georgia’s state Senate voted 31-32 on Friday in favor of HB 1178, which outlines a Parents’ Bill of Rights. This bill will give parents the right to object to the curriculum that is taught in public schools.

Hb 1178

“Once signed into law by the governor, this bill will codify parental rights as fundamental in Georgia law and strengthen parents’ control over their children’s education,” Frontline Policy Action said in a Facebook post.

Hb 1178 'Parents Bill Of Rights' In Education Bill To Be Signed By Georgia Governor Brian Kemp 1

“Parents have a right to be actively involved in their child’s learning experience,” Kemp said in a tweet. “This bill will ensure transparency in education by promoting a partnership between parents [and] educators.”

The Senate also voted 32-21 in favor of House Bill 1084, which would bar Georgia teachers from teaching nine “divisive concepts,” including that one race is superior to another. The measure returns to the House to weigh the Senate’s changes to the bill.

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The bill outlines the fact parents will have the ability to review any classroom material, opt their children out of sex ed, they can access all records related to their child, and prevent the creation of photos, videos, and voice recordings of their children, except for security purposes.

The law additionally mandates that school boards must create procedures for parents to object to what’s taught in the classroom. Opponents of the bill are concerned it will create tension between parents and educators.

Hb 1178 'Parents Bill Of Rights' In Education Bill To Be Signed By Georgia Governor Brian Kemp 3

HB 1178 has worked through the Georgia legislature while Florida’s HB 1557 was signed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Florida’s “Parental Rights in Education” bill has been dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill despite the fact the bill is simply about teachers are barred from teaching about “sexual orientation or gender identity” to students in kindergarten through third grade or “in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards”.

It has absolutely nothing to do with saying the word gay.

In response to DeSantis signing the “Parental Rights in Education” bill into law, the Walt Disney Company — one of Florida’s largest employers —announced that it would work to get the law repealed or overturned by the court system.

“All this does is set up a fight and logistical nightmares for our teachers to deal with,” said Representative Stacey Evans. Parents will inevitably believe teachers have withheld information, she said, inviting mistrust. “This is going to keep the lawyers pretty busy trying to figure out what was and wasn’t produced.

Why do so many teachers and lawmakers have such an issue with parents taking an active role in their children’s education? If you are teaching something that you are afraid parents will discover, perhaps that is not something that is appropriate to teach children.

Teachers in Florida are quitting and having complete mental breakdowns since they can no longer introduce themselves using their sexual orientations and sexual preferences. Is your entire identity really that tied into who you are that you can’t teach very small, young children by just using your name?

Parents need to continue standing up to the insane leftists and continue fighting for our most vulnerable, our children.

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