Lisa Grimeslisa grimes
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Colleyville Middle School teacher, Lisa Grimes, has been caught on camera talking with two other teachers saying she wants conservative christians to die.

Texas parents, it would seem that at least one of your teachers is hoping you would die of covid. At least if you’re a conservative Christian.

Lisa Grimes, a Colleyville Middle School teacher, was caught on video talking with two other women saying that “conservative Christians” needed to “get COVID and die” because of their political opposition to coronavirus mandates, which she says has “impacted” the “rest of [her] life.”

Nobody was stopping her from living her life except for her. She is the type of person who thinks that your freedoms stop because of her fear.

Lisa Grimes

She’s also the kind of person who brags online about getting her Covid jibby jab.

Colleyville Middle School Teacher Lisa Grimes Caught On Camera Wanting Conservative Christians To Die 1

And the kind who thinks anybody cares that she wears a mask. Hint, we don’t care. We don’t want you to force your fear on the rest of us.

Dana Loesch reported on the vile vitriol that came from this “educator” (I use that term as loosely as I can.) who was captured on video making the remarks in clear view of students. Possibly the very kind of student she apparently wishes dead. Conservative Christians.

“We have a political system that will not allow us to [inaudible] so we’re vaccinating like the flu, which is, you know, get the flu vaccine if you want, but you can’t — don’t ‘tread on me,’” the woman in the video states. “But it’s too late. It would have had to have been immediate. If we had done it immediately, it’d already be gone. That’s what’s frustrating. The rest of my life is impacted because of politics? Because of conservative Christian crap? I’m telling you, those conservative Christian people, they need to die. They need to get COVID and die.”

Addison Elliott, Director of Communications at Grapevine-Colleyville ISD, said that the following message was sent to Colleyville Middle School parents this evening:

This afternoon, GCISD learned about an online video of a Colleyville Middle School teacher talking to two colleagues in a high-traffic area on campus. The sentiments expressed in the video do not reflect the views of GCISD or Colleyville Middle School. The teacher has been placed on administrative leave. The District will continue to investigate this incident.

She isn’t the first radical we’ve seen in the public school system but she very well might be the first to openly wish death on a certain group of students.

It’s a sad state when a teacher can’t compose herself enough to keep her evil thoughts to herself. She’s supposed to be someone that our children can look up to and learn from. This makes you think, what is she teaching kids? Is she teaching them to hate those who think differently than they do?

We pulled our own children out of the public school system when the pandemic started and have not sent them back. This is one of the many reasons why. The indoctrination stations are doing nothing but churning out mini socialists, Marxists, communists, and Antifa. Violence and bullying are a problem that is rampant through all grades that have led to an uptick in our children seeking the ultimate end to it all.

The response that we’ve always gotten about the bullying and kids beating up ours is, “They [the violent thug] had a rough life.” I guess that makes it okay to beat up a fellow student. Callin bomb threats. Take weapons to school. Bully. Slap. Steal.

It doesn’t help that the teachers, those with who we entrust our children, do absolutely nothing to stop the problems. In fact, it would seem that they add to the hate and violence by wishing death on some.

It’s time that we demand teachers like this are held accountable for not just their actions but the violence that they call for. A teacher should never openly wish death on a group of people.

Lisa Grimes needs to face the consequences of her vile actions.

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