Mayfield Kentuckymayfield-kentucky
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Amber Hayes, another wonderfully awesome good samaritain has stepped up for the citizens of Mayfield, Kentucky. The Infinity Farms owner drove her food truck to the devastated town and handed out free, hot meals to first responders and residents as they attempt to salvage their town and lives.

The owner of Infinity Farms, Amber Hayes, took her food truck to the tornado-ravaged town of Mayfield, Kentucky to do what she does best. Feed people. She handed out free hot meals to the first responders, victims, and anybody else in the community who needed a good home-cooked meal.

“What we’re doing is a really small part – I don’t feel like we’re doing near as much as some of these men and women that are in the trenches and physically out there finding people, helping people relocate,” Infinity Farms owner Amber Hayes told Fox News. 

Amber Hayes

Last weekend tornadoes ripped through communities in multiple states leaving at least 88 people dead. 74 of those killed were in Kentucky alone with at least another 100 missing.

Hayes restaurant, Infinity Farms, is based in La Center, Kentucky, but she and a few of her employees packed up their food truck and made the journey to Mayfield on Sunday. They prepared hot meals “to serve hot meals to all of the workers, anyone that’s displaced from their home,” Hayes told Fox News as staff from the Mayfield police and fire departments, EMTs and locals gathered outside her truck.

“Being a part of these communities my entire life – when we came over the hill yesterday morning and the sun was coming up, it was like walking into a war zone,” Hayes said.

“For us, this is our gift,” she told Fox News. “If we can share it with others, that’s what we’re going to do.”

“It’s turned from a one-day trip into a several week trip,” she continued. “We’ll be here for a few weeks to try to help get through.”

Hayes isn’t the only good samaritan to step up and help out the Mayfield community though. Jim Finch packed up a grill and his truck full of food and water to feed the first responders and victims of the deadly tornadoes over the weekend as well.

It really touches the heart to see these everyday Americans stepping up to go above and beyond to help out those who are trying to salvage the town and the victims who are trying to put their lives back in order.

They’re helping out their neighbor and trying to make life just a tiny bit easier as the town deals with this terrible tragedy.

If you’re in La Center, Kentucky, be sure to stop at Infinity Farms and give them your support as they support their neighbors.

Infinity Farms

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