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Independent Hip Hop artist Burden burns up the iTunes charts everytime he releases something new. F Biden 2 is no different. So far he has hit #5 on the top 100.

Burden is very outspoken about his feelings for the installed administration and his frustration with everything that has been going on in the country. Much like a lot of other independent artists he only has one person to answer to; himself.

The song is awesome. The beat is catchy and you can’t help but want to dance. The song starts the best way, calling out all the swamp creatures who are attempting to control the country.

My favorite part, the F*ck Joe Biden chant used in the chorus.

10/10 recommend adding F Biden 2 to your playlist.

The one good thing about the former vice president, Joe Biden, being installed into the White House is the fact that so many people are standing up in their own ways and speaking out against the things that he is doing that are destroying the country.

F Biden 2

If you haven’t heard any of his other songs, a few favorites over here at Offensively Patriotic are Black Flag, Riot For Me, and We the People.

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