Pierre Kory And Joe RoganPierre Kory says 200 Congressmen treated with ivermectin
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Joe Rogan’s physician, Dr. Pierre Kory, tweeted out at the beginning of October that between 100-200 Congress members, their staffers, and family members were treated with ivermectin and the I-MASK+ protocol over the past 15 months.

Joe Rogan has been very vocal about his time having Covid and the treatment he received. Of course, the liberal smooth brains at CNN went absolute rabid. They’ve been pushing the Covid vaccine since Biden got into office despite the fact it doesn’t work the way the CDC and Fauci promised it would.

It doesn’t prevent or stop the spread of Covid. In fact, you can catch and spread Covid just as easily as those who are unvaccinated and risk the side effects of a newly created vaccine.

The liberal media blasts anybody who doesn’t agree with whatever Fauci says or attempts to find a different treatment other than the one that is shoved down our throats every day.

Pierre Kory

Rogan went so far as to have CNN’s resident doctor Sanjay Gupta on his podcast, “The Joe Rogan Experience” where he acknowledged that the network shouldn’t have called a controversial drug being used as a COVID-19 treatment a “horse dewormer” while he was grilled by podcast host Joe Rogan about why the media was “lying” about the medication.

It didn’t take Rogan long to completely destroy Gupta and CNN’s narrative that he simply took “horse dewormer” to battle Covid.

From Real Clear Politics, “I do not know the motivation for demonizing this particular medication,” he added. “But I would imagine some of it has to do with money because… this a generic drug now. The patent has run out… and it’s worth like 30 cent per dose.”

We’ve been told since ivermectin was first used to treat Covid that it didn’t work. Pharmacists are refusing to fill the prescriptions and yet Congress and their families can be treated using the “horse dewormer” yet we can’t? If this doesn’t make you think and doesn’t make you angry, it should. Why are you complacent?

We should all have access to medication that could treat and save people no matter what CNN says. Despite what Fauci says.

If your doctor feels that a certain course of treatment is best for you, why should a pharmacist be able to say no?

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