Build Back Better
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The Infrastructure Bill, Now Sitting at 2,465 Pages, Has Increased Fines For Businesses Ignoring Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

Former Vice President Joe Biden had originally forced employers with at least 100 employees to pay fines of $14,000 per incident where they had a non-vaccinated or non-tested employee. The Democrats, after saying they couldn’t mandate vaccinations, had indeed mandated vaccinations by going through employers.

Now, those non-mandate mandates are apparently in the strengthening phase. The Infrastructure Bill, or Build Back Better Act (a Great Reset term), has grown to 2,465 pages and added more money for things like studying how to charge drivers per mile. They’ve also snuck in bigger fines for employers for “continually” or “willfully” failing to follow the COVID-19 guidelines set forth by Joe Biden.

“Democratic” Socialist Bernie Sanders chimed in calling the bill “bipartisan” and seems to want MORE Democrat control.

Infrastructure Bill - Build Back Better

Makes sense for a Socialist to say…

The bigger fines that Democrats are trying to enforce are now $70,000 for continual offenses and $700,000 for willful offenses. These are insane numbers and will likely force many employers to give in. It’ll be interesting to see how companies, that have already publicly said they won’t conform to these mandates, react to these higher fines if they pass.

You can read the Build Back Better Bill (Act) here.

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We need to use our voices and try our hardest to stop this from passing. So far, Democrat Senator Joe Manchin has said just this morning that he will not vote to pass this bill and has set a cost limit of $1.5Trillion to any infrastructure bill he’d say ‘yes’ to.

I don’t think this bill should pass at ANY price point mostly because of what’s in it, but also anything named after the Communist Great Reset idea of “Build Back Better” is an automatic ‘no.’

Let us know your thoughts in the comments on this massive bill.

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