Updated: 2 'The View' Co-Hosts Test Positive For Covid During Show 1
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‘The View’ co-hosts Ana Navarro and Sunny Hostin were asked to leave the show after the first commercial break before Kamala Harris was to sit down with the cast.


After the chaos where co-hosts Ana Navarro and Sunny Hostin were asked to leave due to positive Covid tests, it turns out those were “false positives”.

“It was a mistake of some sort,” Behar said at the show’s open Monday. “I’m happy to report that Sunny and Ana’s Friday results turned out to be false positives and everyone is safe, healthy, and COVID-free. No one got it,” Behar explained, to applause.

Brian Teta, the executive producer, appeared on Monday’s show to apologize for how abruptly the situation happened on-air. “It was just an unbelievable set of circumstances,” Teta maintained. “We found out moments before we came back on the air. I really want to acknowledge and apologize to Sunny and Ana…they were in this position where they had this information put out on television, and then to make it even worse it turned out not to be true later on.”Joy Behar was beginning her introduction of Harris when producers pulled Navarro and Hostin from the show. A bewildered Behar admitted she didn’t realize what was going on, and she was stopped from introducing Harris mid-sentence as her co-hosts left the stage. 


According to The Daily Beast:

“There seems to be something happening here that I’m not 100% aware of,” Behar said. “Can someone please apprise me of the situation?”

At that point, a voice from off-camera asked Hostin and Navarro to “step off for a second.” When Behar asked if she should introduce Harris as planned, one producer’s voice replied “yes” while another shouted “no!”

Behar, stalling for time at that point, joked, “OK. Shall we dance? Let’s do a tap dance.”

The View

She soon called for a commercial break. Once that break was over Behar addressed the problem.

“OK, since this is going to be a major news story any minute now, what happened is, Sunny and Ana both apparently tested positive for COVID,” she revealed. “No matter how hard we try, these things happen, they probably have a breakthrough case and they’ll be OK, I’m sure because they’re both vaccinated up the wazoo, you know, a lot of vaccines!”

Behar and the remaining co-host, Sara Haines, attempted to take questions from their masked audience members without microphones still expecting Harris to take her seat on stage.

It was shortly after this that a producer informed co-hosts that Harris would be elsewhere in the building live-streaming her interview.

Harris was in the building but the White House said she was never in contact with Hostin or Navarro.

“The vice president did not have contact with the hosts before the show. Her schedule today will continue as planned,” deputy press secretary Sabrina Singh told Fox News

Amazing that a group of people who are ‘vaccinated up the wazoo’ end up positive for Covid. If you haven’t checked out Project Veritas videos that are coming out, be sure you do. They have been reporting on the fact that the HHS doctors are not reporting adverse reactions to the Covid vaccine to Vaers.

The videos are so compelling that Congressman Paul Gosar is hammering the HHS over the videos showing VA, FDA and other healthcare employees admit to lack of reporting on COVID-19 vaccine side effects and issues.

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