New York Governor Kathy Hochul Says, “The Vaccine Is From God” 1
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NY Governor Hochul took over the governorship after disgraced Andrew Cuomo resigned amid his sexual assault allegations. For a moment there was hope things would get better for New York. It has not and she’s proving that she’s just as crazy. Hochul took to the pulpit at a Brooklyn megachurch and preached that the vaccine came “from God to us,” and cried out for “apostles” to spread the word to the vaccine skeptics who she claims are ignoring God.

Hochul declared, “I prayed a lot to God during this time. God did answer our prayers. He made the smartest men and women, the scientists, the doctors, the researchers, he made them come up with a vaccine that is from God to us.”

The Democratic lawmaker added, “And we must say, ‘Thank you, God. Thank you.’”

“Yes, I know you’re vaccinated. They’re the smart ones, but you know, there are people out there who aren’t listening to God and what God wants. You know this. You know who they are,” Hochul said to the congregation. “I need you to be my apostles. I need you to go out and talk about it and say, ‘We owe this to each other. We love each other,’” she continued. “Jesus taught us to love one another. And how do you show that love, but to care about each other enough to say, ‘Please get vaccinated because I love you. I want you to live.’”


She’s also willing to use the national guard and out-of-state medical personnel to fill New York’s hospital staffing shortages as tens of thousands of healthcare workers are due to quit or be fired after today’s deadline for the mandated Covid vaccine.

A group of anonymous healthcare workers filed a lawsuit on Sept. 13 against the state, arguing that their constitutional rights were violated when New York issued a vaccination mandate with “no exemption for sincere religious beliefs.”

So Hochul’s religious beliefs are okay. She can stand at a pulpit in a church and preach to the “smart” New Yorkers while healthcare workers’ own religious beliefs are violated.

Approximately 16% of the state’s 450,000 hospital staff, or roughly 70,000 workers, have not been fully vaccinated, the governor’s office said.

“We are still in a battle against Covid to protect our loved ones,” Hochul said. “I commend all of the healthcare workers who have stepped up to get themselves vaccinated, and I urge all remaining healthcare workers who are unvaccinated to do so now so they can continue providing care.”

It’s creepy and weird these God complexes that Democrats, liberals, and even a lot of the scientists that they use have. They see themselves as prophets and above law. Within a matter of months, they went from praising doctors and nurses as heroes to get the jab or you’re fired.

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