Pv Vax Expose
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Congressman Paul Gosar is Hammering the HHS Over the Videos Showing VA, FDA and other Healthcare Employees Admit to Lack of Reporting on COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects and Issues

Congressman Paul Gosar (AZ-04) has sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS] demanding a “full review of all HHS health care systems nationally to ensure full compliance with vaccine injury reporting laws including reporting all adverse events occurring after the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine.” 

Read the letter for yourself.

Paul Gosar, Sends Letter To Hhs Over Project Veritas Expose
Paul Gosar Letter to HHS (click to enlarge)

This is good news and hopefully leads to a full investigation into the findings from Project Veritas. Many “platforms” like Facebook and Instagram (owned BY Facebook) have begun removing videos and articles talking about the video by Project Veritas. They try to label them as “misinformation.”

Does Facebook know what misinformation is?

If you missed either video from Project Veritas, you can watch them now. Make sure to watch both parts.

It’s time for more people to start asking questions. Don’t take your government’s word for it. Joe Biden was installed to push the Great Reset agenda. You can start by conversing below or in the forums, but make sure you call your congressmen and other government employees.

Ask questions. Get information.

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