Lady Antebellum Sues Black Blues Singer
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Lady Antebellum recently came under supposed backlash about their name, Antebellum.

For those unfamiliar, the Antebellum south was a period in southern United States history from the late 18th century until the start of the Civil war in 1861. The south’s history during this period was going through economic growth which is largely attributed their reliance on slavery and its political influence on the U.S. federal government.

The popular singing group decided to change up their name to Lady A.

There was a problem with this though. There is already a blues singer named Lady A.

Lady A the blues singer began her career in the 1980’s with Motown group called Lady A & the Baby Blues Funk band for 18 years. In 2010 she released a solo album and currently operates Lady A productions.

Enter 2020 and Lady Antebellum.

Lady Antebellum has been using the trade mark Lady A since approximately 2010. Lady A the blues singer never had an issue with this until now.

What’s different now? BLM.

The band told TODAY they filed the lawsuit after Lady A the singer, Seattle-based Anita White, “demanded a $10 million payment” from them.

“…So reluctantly we have come to the conclusion that we need to ask a court to affirm our right to continue to use the name Lady A, a trademark we have held for many years,” the band said in a statement. “We never even entertained the idea that she shouldn’t also be able to use the name Lady A, and never will — today’s action doesn’t change that.” You can read the Today article here.

In their attempt to be politically correct Lady Antebellum has had the cancel culture come down on their heads.

On the other hand, why did it take Lady A, the blues singer, 10 years to come forward with her complaints? Why did she wait until racial tensions were so high in the country? Was it because they weren’t just using the Lady A trademark and completely changed their name?

Let us know your own thoughts on this clown world we live in in the comments or community.

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4 years ago

This made me laugh when you showed me this.

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