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A Change.org petition was started to require all University of Pittsburgh students to take a black studies course. The petition currently has over 6750 signatures of the needed 7500.

This is direct from the petition page:

“During my time as a Pitt student, I’ve always felt as though all my non-black classmates would benefit from learning more about what it means to be Black in America, but I knew that many of them would be able graduate without taking such a class.  This lack of knowledge has negative consequences in university communities across the country, and I want Pitt to lead the way in making a real change.

I am calling for Pitt to mandate that every undergraduate student takes a black studies course as a part of university graduation requirements.

I have written and attached the letter I’ve sent to our university’s leadership, and I hope you’ll all read it to hear my explanation. If this is something you support or something you would at least be interested in starting a larger conversation about, I encourage you to sign and show Pitt leadership where the minds of its students are with regards to making meaningful change on our campus.  I have been disappointed in Pitt for its reaction to anti-black events in the past, but I hope that the university adopts this recommendation and shows its Black students that it is serious about changing up the status quo.”

You can see their full wants, needs and expectations in their Google Doc.

Just about all of the comments are completely supportive of this petition and what they want to bring to the University of Pittsburgh.

Change.org Petition Started To Require All Pitt Students Take Black Studies 1

This is just a few of the responses. Many have Black Lives Matter and other leftist markings to further push this agenda. Many of these responses seem to include further hysteria of how blacks aren’t treated good enough. We’ll keep the commentary on these ideas to a minimum, being that this is a news piece.

That being said, we GLADLY want to see your commentary in the comments or forums. Don’t keep your mouth shut! Speak out if you feel the need!

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